Why we launched

August 24, 2020 General

Resigning as a shareholder earlier this year from one of the most respected and well-known law firms in the world was a tough decision. Many considerations factored into the analysis. I ultimately had to decide whether the platform and instant recognition of being a shareholder in that firm, in a practice area in which the firm is arguably the best in the nation, outweighed the benefits of independence and the ability to deliver services to clients in a more personal, cost-effective, and efficient manner.  

At that point in my career it was now or never, and it also was an opportune time. My son graduated from law school last year. Although his achievements would have afforded him the opportunity to follow the traditional route of joining an established firm, the bureaucratic structure of a “big law” setting did not appeal to him. The prospect of launching a new boutique firm with me was the more exciting option. With this backdrop, I mustered the courage, took the leap, and tendered my resignation.

During a 2-year internship held while in law school, Nick became familiar with the numerous facets required to run a law practice. That experience, together with his strong organizational skills, made a smooth transition possible.

2020 thus far has been an experience . . . for more reasons than just one. We thankfully remained busy with client matters, despite COVID-19, while simultaneously managing the physical, organizational, and technological aspects of such an endeavor.  

I am very proud of what we have been able to accomplish. We look forward to continuing to efficiently deliver the degree of service and expertise the most demanding and sophisticated of clients expect, while enjoying the freedom and fulfillment of a boutique practice.